Trauma Sensitive Yoga
What is Trauma Sensitive Yoga?
Trauma sensitive yoga is a type of restorative yoga that has been specifically developed to meet the needs of people who have experienced trauma, abuse or any other form of acute stress. It is based on the principles of traditional yoga and uses basic poses, breathing techniques and meditation as a way of helping to heal from trauma by bringing the body, mind and spirit back into balance.
Trauma sensitive yoga (TSY) focuses on developing an awareness of one’s body and its responses to stressors. It emphasizes the importance of self-care and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships with others. This practice also helps those who have experienced trauma learn how to manage their responses more effectively when they are triggered. Read on to learn more about what trauma sensitive yoga is, its benefits for those who have experienced trauma, examples of poses in a TSY class, how to yoga can be used along with therapy to facilitate healing.
What is Trauma?
A trauma is any experience that is extremely stressful or distressing. It could be a one-time event or a series of events that have happened over time. Trauma can have a serious impact on a person’s mental and physical health, as well as their relationships and their sense of identity. A traumatic experience can cause a person’s nervous system to go into “fight or flight” mode. This response is meant to help us escape a dangerous situation, but when we are constantly in this hyper-aroused state, it can be harmful to our health. Trauma can be caused by a wide range of experiences.
Trauma Therapy
Traumatic events in our lives can leave us feeling helpless, hopeless, angry, or sad. These feelings can cause physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomachaches, insomnia, and anxiety. In addition, traumatic experiences can affect how we think, feel, and act. Trauma therapy and healing through yoga are both effective ways to address these issues. Both approaches focus on helping people learn new skills and develop healthy habits to cope with stress and trauma.
How can Trauma Sensitive Yoga help?
Trauma sensitive yoga is helpful in several ways for those who have experienced trauma. It can help people to manage the symptoms of PTSD and other mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression. It can also help people to manage stress and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is common for people who have gone through a traumatic experience to suffer from a disruption in their sleep and/or eating patterns. Trauma sensitive yoga can help to regulate these patterns so that they are more in line with what is considered to be normal.
As discussed above, trauma sensitive yoga can help to manage the symptoms of PTSD and other mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression. It can also help people to manage stress and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is common for people who have gone through a traumatic experience to suffer from a disruption in their sleep and/or eating patterns. Trauma sensitive yoga can help to regulate these patterns so that they are more in line with what is considered to be normal.
Practicing Trauma Therapy and Yoga Together
Trauma therapy and yogic practices can complement each other by providing different perspectives on how to deal with traumatic experiences. In addition, practicing yoga helps people feel better physically and mentally, while trauma therapy teaches people to process difficult memories and emotions.
Benefits of Trauma Sensitive Yoga
Benefits of TSY include:
It is an accessible practice for people with a wide range of physical abilities and health conditions.
It encourages a mindful and compassionate approach to one’s self and others.
It can help to build confidence, trust and a sense of belonging.
It is a helpful tool for learning how to manage one’s responses when experiencing stress and triggers.
It can help people to develop resilience and find ways to take care of themselves.
It can improve sleep patterns and reduce stress.
It can be done in a group setting or as a private practice.
It can be incorporated into an overall treatment plan that includes psychotherapy and holistic treatment.
Examples of Poses in a TSY Class
While any form of yoga can be helpful for those who have experienced trauma, those who practice trauma sensitive yoga may use different versions of the poses discussed below. This is because trauma sensitive yoga places emphasis on the importance of the breath in each pose and on the practitioner’s ability to connect to their body.
For example, a person whose nervous system is easily triggered by pressure may choose to do a gentle seated variation of the forward fold pose. On the other hand, someone who is more comfortable with pressure in their practice may do the full version of the pose with the same breath focus as the gentle seated variation. Example poses include the following:
Seated Meditation: This pose is typically done at the beginning of a trauma sensitive yoga class. It is recommended that those who are new to this practice sit for a minimum of five minutes.
Seated Forward Fold: This pose is done with a focus on the breath as well as on a gentle movement towards opening the chest and letting go of any tension held there.
Supine: This pose can be done on a mat or a (stability) ball. It encourages the practitioner to let go of any expectations of what the pose should look like and instead stay in tune with their own bodies.
Supine Leg Stretch or Wide Leg Sitting: These poses are typically done on the floor. They encourage the practitioner to deeply connect with their breath and their body as they are held in a passive position with their legs extended on the ground.
Supine Twist: This pose can be done on a mat or a (stability) ball. It is recommended that those who are new to this pose take things slowly and pay attention to their own bodies.
Trauma Sensitive Yoga Near Me
Contact us to learn more about trauma sensitive yoga as individual sessions or as a part of your therapy treatment. This approach can help people to develop resilience and find ways to take care of themselves. Our practitioners have appointments available in our Roswell office, our Tucker office, or online.
Trauma-sensitive yoga is a form of yoga that has been adapted to meet the needs of people who have experienced trauma. Here are some of the benefits of trauma-sensitive yoga:
Reduced symptoms of PTSD
Improved emotional regulation
Increased body awareness
Reduced anxiety and depression
Improved self-esteem
Increased sense of connection