Holistic Nutritional Coaching
Nourish Mind, Body, & Spirit
Holistic Nutritional Coaching
Holistic nutritional coaching for adults, families, and kids!
Despite all of the knowledge and science, it is still difficult to determine the most suitable method for feeding your brain and body, and it seems as if everyone has an opinion.
Do you use food to relieve stress or dull sensations? Are you sluggish or downhearted after eating? Are you puzzled by diet trends and advice?
You want to feel better, have more vitality, and consume the 'correct' foods, but time, power, and resources (not to mention conflicting advice and self-proclaimed experts) prevent you. Nutritional coaching can assist you.
What is Holistic Nutritional Coaching?
A holistic nutritional coach works with individuals, families, and groups to improve their overall health by advising on topics of diet, lifestyle, healthy habits, food sensitivities, and meal planning. Strategies are evidence-based, holistic, and thoughtfully applied to suit the needs of each individual client. Your coach creates a supportive and nonjudgmental environment in which you can share authentically and grow with education, encouragement, and empowerment. And, if you have a picky eater in the family, we are here to help everyone.
Our holistic nutritional coaching is also supported by our broader network of professional disciplines. Your coach is your ally in achieving your health goals and will help you to find all the support you need. Your support team can grow to include consultation or therapy from other professionals such as a psychotherapist, medical doctor, or dietitian as needed. As an ally and advocate for your overall health, your coach can help coordinate care amongst your support professionals.
A healthy eating plan that is right for you
There is too much misinformation surrounding organic, GMO, supplements, locally-sourced foods, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, etc. We help you to develop a strategy and practical steps to address the goals that are important to you.
We can save you the time of wading through research, blogs, and books to create a working, sustainable, practical, and personalized relationship with food that works for you and your family.
Why Holistic?
Our eating behavior and relationships are so interlinked that treating one aspect without addressing the others is impossible. To make long-term, sustainable changes in your body, mind, and spirit, we must look at the whole you.
Prior to starting holistic nutritional coaching, you must learn about you: what brings you to coaching, your goals, your barriers to success, your feelings about food and nutrition, your body image, your preferences, your support network, and your family's needs.
Lauren Foster, Nutritional Coach &
Certified Natural Healthcare Provider (CNHP)
“As a holistic nutritional coach, I will be your guide on your journey of health and healing from a whole-person perspective. Together we’ll look at the unique blend of physical, chemical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental factors that make you beautiful and unique. There is no one size fits all model. I’m so excited to help you find the confidence, energy, joy, and peace that can come with the right nutritional support...and yes, this includes working with your picky eater too. Children and adults who have a restricted palate can find comfort in taking slow, steady steps to broaden a narrow diet. We move slowly, working together building a foundation of trust, to meet your goals.”
Start with contacting Lauren for a free consultation - Schedule online or email to Lauren@perspectivesholistictherapy.com.
This initial consultation allows you to meet Lauren, share about what you are looking for, and ask any questions you may have. If holistic nutritional coaching with Lauren is a good match for you, an intake session will be scheduled.
Prior to your intake session, you’ll need to complete some intake paperwork to provide basic information and background information to jump start the process. During your intake call, your coach will explore your nutritional needs and goals on a deeper level.
Ongoing sessions will be scheduled with you based on your goals and preferences. Typically sessions are held weekly or bi-weekly as you continue to work toward your goals with your coach’s support.
Nutritional coaching sessions are $185 per 50-minute session. Sliding scale rates may be available for special circumstances. Sessions are held online via Zoom.