Holistic Therapy Services

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
- Viktor Frankl

Holistic therapists who see the whole you, not just a diagnosis

Perspectives is a holistic therapy practice serving the whole person — body, mind, and spirit. You are unique, as are your relationships, your experiences, and your situation.

We provide individualized and comprehensive treatment utilizing a holistic therapeutic approach, including holistic psychotherapy, coaching, speech language therapy, and more.

You are welcome here. We provide affirming care to all people and identities. To get started, we invite you to browse our site, learn how we can help, and schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

Online and In-Person Holistic Therapy

  • Psychotherapy

    Holistic psychotherapy for adults, children, teens, and couples to address anxiety, depression, trauma, and more

    holistic psychotherapy
  • Speech Language Therapy

    Speech, communication, and executive functioning support for kids, adults, and families

    speech therapy near me
  • Coaching

    Practical and customized coaching on parenting, holistic nutrition, family enrichment, & professional skills

    holistic nutritional coaching
  • Sex & Intimacy Therapy

    Therapy addressing sexual wellness, desire, and intimacy through a sex-positive, gender-affirming lens

    sex therapy tucker
  • Energy Psychology

    Comprehensive energy psychology integrates Western and Eastern approaches to wellness for a holistic path to healing.

    energy healing
  • Groups, Workshops, & Camps

    In-person and online offerings for adults, teens, and kids.

    therapy groups

Perspectives for Holistic Therapy Near Me

Compassion + Connection + Collaboration + Expertise

All clinicians and support options are not the same. At Perspectives we are guided by a core belief that all human beings have an innate desire for balance, healing, and growth. Your definition of these concepts and your journey to achieve them is unique to you, your child, or your family.

Holistic Therapists Near Me

Our team includes psychotherapists, speech language therapists, coaches, graduate interns, therapy assistants, mentors, and coaches. They bring a wide range of experience and professional backgrounds - business, medicine, law, entrepreneurship, non-profits, technology, and more.

Our holistic clinicians have solid foundations in traditional clinical work and education along with additional training in their respective areas of expertise. Specialized training and experience allow us to offer you the most effective and individualized treatment options.

When you reach out to us, our intake team takes the time to learn about your unique needs and circumstances. One or more therapists will be recommended to you based on the treatment you are seeking, your preferences, and desired location.