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Unlock Your Energy Potential: 8 Powerful Ways to Heal Your Chakras

The word “chakra” is derived from the Sanskrit word for wheel. In Hinduism and other belief systems, these wheels are centers of energy that reside in different parts of the body.

Each chakra has a different function and color, with each one being associated with a specific element and physical organ in the body. The basic idea behind the chakra system is that when your chakras are out of balance, it can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Balancing chakras is the process of tending to these areas of your body and thoughts so that you may feel more aligned, authentic, and healthy. Chakra balancing does not require being an expert or belief in the supernatural. At a basic level, the chakras can be seen as metaphors for different aspects of our wellness in our emotional and physical body. Read on to learn more about chakra healing for beginners and methods that are integrated into psychoenergetic therapy.

What are Chakras?

Chakras are energy centers in your body. Seven chakras run along the length of your spine and end at the top of your head. Each of these chakras is associated with a different color and a specific element. If your chakras are out of balance, they can cause difficulties with mood, focus, and overall health.

The good news is that each chakra has a healing intention, meaning there are ways you can bring your chakras back into balance and feel better as a result. Most people decide to focus on the first three chakras (root, sacral, and solar plexus) and the last four (throat, heart, crown, and third eye).

The root chakra is all about survival and having a sense of safety and stability in the world. The sacral chakra is about creativity and sexuality, and the solar plexus chakra is about self-esteem and self-worth. When these chakras are out of balance, it can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression.

It’s ok if you have doubts about the concept of the chakra system. The energy fields and ideas can be a useful metaphor and symbol for healing (read our article on energy healing for skeptics).

How do you know if your Chakras are Out of Balance?

The best way to tell if your chakras are out of balance is to take a look at your physical and mental health. If you’re feeling anxious or depressed or having trouble focusing, it’s a good sign that your chakras could use some healing. You may even feel like there is a block or disruption in the flow of energy in your body or in your surroundings.

To start with chakra balancing, try taking an inventory of your chakras to see where you could use some extra energy. If you notice one of your chakras feels weaker than the others, it’s likely being affected by an imbalance. If you’ve noticed any of these issues, it might be a sign your chakras need some healing love. If you notice that one of your chakras is particularly weak, you can do something to bring it up to par with the others.

Tips to Balance Your Chakras

The most important step in bringing your chakras back into balance is to start with chakra grounding. Grounding is simply bringing your attention to the present moment and reducing any feelings of anxiety or nervousness. When your chakras are out of balance, it’s often helpful to do chakra healing with another person.

Having another person involved in your healing process can help you feel supported and safe, which is exactly what you need when your chakras are out of whack. If you’re not sure what chakra healing looks like, it could be as simple as talking about each chakra and how it makes you feel. If you’re engaging in chakra healing with a friend or a partner, you can also try a chakra color healing visualization.

Sound Healing

The first chakra is all about survival, safety, and security, so it makes sense that it’s best healed by sounds of nature and soothing music. Listening to the sounds of waves crashing or birds chirping can help bring your first chakra back into balance.

If you don’t have easy access to nature sounds, try listening to a guided meditation that focuses on soothing sounds and nature. If you’re not a fan of guided meditations, try playing soothing music in the background while you go about your day. If you’re looking to bring your sacral chakra back into balance, try listening to music that’s creative, exploratory, and even erotic. Music that’s heavy on the bass can help bring your sacral chakra back into balance.

Candle Healing

For this chakra healing technique, you’ll need either a red or orange candle. Orange is associated with the sacral chakra, while red is associated with the root chakra. To begin, light the candle and then sit with your eyes closed.

Focus on the flame of the candle and try to visualize the chakra you’re working with as you inhale and exhale. If you’re working with the root chakra, focus on finding a sense of safety, security, and stability. If you’re working with the sacral chakra, try to find a sense of creativity, nurturing, and sexuality. When you feel like you’ve had enough of this meditation, blow out the candle.


Meditation is one of the best chakra healing techniques, as it can help bring all of your chakras back into balance. When you meditate, you’re bringing your attention to the present moment and focusing on your breath. This allows you to let go of any stress or anxiety that might be taking up space in your body.

You don’t have to do a specific chakra meditation to bring your chakras back into balance. In fact, it’s best to meditate on a regular basis, even if you’re not experiencing any problems with your chakras. Meditating daily can help you feel more present in your life and reduce your anxiety levels as a result.

Nature Walk

If you’re working on bringing your third chakra back into balance, a nature walk is the perfect chakra healing technique. Focus on all of the beauty surrounding you and try to soak in as much of it as possible. Try to notice things like the sounds of the birds chirping and the smell of the air. This will allow you to come back to the present moment and help you let go of any anxiety or stress you’re holding onto.

If you’re working on bringing your second chakra back into balance, try to find ways to nurture yourself during your walk. Try massaging your hands or hugging a tree. Doing things that help you feel nurtured and comfortable can help bring your second chakra back into balance. Some therapists also offer outdoor therapy to integrate the power of nature and movement with traditional talk therapy.


If you’re working on bringing your third chakra back into balance, try to find a yogic practice that focuses on that chakra. If you’re not sure which one to choose, ask a yoga instructor for some advice or look online for chakra yoga practices.

If you’re working on bringing your second chakra back into balance, look for a yoga practice that focuses on the sacral chakra, like a restorative yoga class. While yoga is great for chakra healing, you’ll want to make sure you’re doing it regularly. Try to do yoga at least once a week to get the most out of it.

Energy Healing with Reiki

If you’re working on bringing your third chakra back into balance, try to find a reiki healer in your area. Reiki is a Japanese technique that allows the healer to channel healing energy into your body. To do chakra healing with reiki, the healer will place their hands on the third chakra, which is located in your lower belly. Once the healer has placed their hands on this spot, you should feel warmth and energy radiating from there. If you’re working on bringing your second chakra back into balance, try to find a reiki healer who specializes in the sacral chakra.


Biofeedback is incorporating technology and external tools to supplement and train your own awareness of your current regulation. HeartMath is one form of biofeedback based on heart rate variability and the concept of congruence: the alignment of body, mind, and spirit. A HeartMath specialist can provide guidance and training on how to effectively use the data provided in biofeedback and techniques to enhance emotional regulation and alignment.

Tending to the 7 Healing Chakras

If you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or depressed, it could be a sign that your chakras are out of balance. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to bring them back into balance and feel better as a result.

The best way to bring your chakras back into balance is to practice chakra healing regularly. Try to meditate daily and do yoga once a week to give your chakras the attention they need to feel balanced. With so many amazing places to practice energy healing in Atlanta, you can get started right away!

Contact us to get started with a free 15-minute consultation to find the right clinician for your needs.